0431 529 581

Dog Laws Expert in Melbourne

Melke Legal provides legal representation in matters that deal with you and your pets. We are just as passionate about animals as you are, making us the clear choice when deciding on your legal representation. We are highly knowledgeable about Melbourne dog laws and have experience representing clients on over 300 animal-related cases.

Is Melke Legal Right for You?

Most likely, yes. We should note that we don’t represent persons claiming personal injury cases against dog attacks or dog owners. We do, however, represent the following:

  • Dog or animal owners across Victoria
  • Farmers
  • People selling pet services and products
  • Breeders

If you fall under one of the categories above and want a lawyer who thoroughly understands dog laws, administrative laws, contract laws and criminal laws, then Melke Legal is the right choice for you.

Why Choose Melke Legal?

No other firm in the Melbourne area has the amount of experience in dog and animal matters that Melke Legal does. We are experienced in both defence and prosecution, so we are prepared to handle all kinds of cases regarding animal and dog laws.

Brett Melke can refer you to other specialised animal services. His detailed knowledge of dog laws, rights, obligations, rules and regulations will help you in your case.

If you are looking for someone with a thorough understanding of animal and dog laws in the Melbourne area, ring Melke Legal today. Contact us on (03) 8802 7825.

Note: We do not represent persons claiming for personal injury damages against a dog owner.
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